Designing the
Matrimandir Lake
in Auroville
An environmentally and ecolodically sound concept to build a lake of radiant beauty
Bird’s eye view of the
Matrmandir Test Lake

The guiding Principles.
The guiding principles of our work are:
– the lake should provide the transition between the city and the Matrimandir.
– the avalibility of rainwater decides the size and depth of the lake
As the city of Auroville developes, there is a need to provide a visual and physical transition between the buzzing activities on the outer shore of the lake and the peace and calm that the Matrimandir and the gardens represent.
This requires a certain distance and depth of the lake.
Since the lake is predominantly rain fed the inflow of water occurs only during the two monsoon seasons which are seperate by long periods of dry weather.
The lake has to be able to maintain it’s water balance in this periods while the water level drop should be within an acceptable range.

The Logic Tree of Our Design
Deside the primary purpose of the lake
Increase avalibility of water to fill the lake
Reduce water loss from the lake
Improve the water quality
Promote propagation of beneficial plants and animals
Improve esthetical apperance of the lake
Provide secondary water for the Matrimandir gardens
Provide emergency water reserve for the city
Our Team
Our team is composed of diverse professions,
including seasoned architects, renowned engineers, botanists, lanscape designers and comunication manager.